Marcos Aguinis


The value of writing

The value of writing


VALOR: In Spanish, this word means both “value” and “courage”. The history of mankind is the history of words, prodigious tools that separate man from other species. The invention of writing was driven by the impulse to transcend, thus granting words a passport to eternity. Thanks to this splendid discovery, human beings manage to cheat death. And the writer becomes the creator of the world, his world.

Through this path of reflection, Aguinis skillfully introduces us to “the value of writing”. And he offers a dazzling selection of works, some that were born, and some others that where rejected due to fears or selfish interests. “With them I managed to awaken emotions, to arouse anger, to surround myself with admirers, to make enemies, to foster reflection and questions. With them I have grown and I have taken chances. Because of them I received rewards and punishments the source of which is not yet exhausted.”

  • Title The value of writing
  • Genre Essay
  • Year 1985
  • Editorial Sudamericana
  • Pages 282
  • ISBN 9500712865 / 9789500712866